JavaScript- Beginner to Advance

Rafiul Hasan
2 min readMay 5, 2021

After hand-on practice in JavaScript variable, number, array, function, etc. one may willing to move forward. Here is a concise note for those who are on the way to intermediate JavaScript.

The Array: The array is the group list of numbers or strings in JS. The array has a few prototypes of methods to solve real-world problems. Prototype.length is the important property of the array. Besides this most frequently used method is prototype.find, filter, slice, splice, reduce, push, pop, shift, unshift,indexOf, forEach, map, keys, toString, tofixed, etc. JavaScript array is zero-indexed and a last index is a total number of items minus one. To initialize an array its value should equal to an empty array that syntactically looks like [ ], the third bracket.

The String: String in JavaScript is a collection of text which value is stored in a variable for future use and encapsulated by quotes or double-quotes. ES6 added backtick to the syntax and it makes use of variable data with a string called template literals. To concatenation, two strings use the + plus sign. The common method for string prototypes is the prototype.charAt, endswith, includes, indexOf, match, repeat, replace, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, search, trim, etc.

The Number: The other primitive type in JavaScript is Number. The common method for number tofixed, to LocalString, toString, valueOf, etc. The JavaScript Number type is a 64-bit binary value.

The Math: The Math object in JavaScript works with numbers, not with the BigInt. Common useful methods are Math.max, min, abs, floor, ceil, pow, round, trunk, etc.

